2025 GA Department of Education Parent Survey

The Special Education Parent Satisfaction Survey (available in English and Spanish) is open until May 31, 2025. This is an important opportunity for families of student with a current IEP in Georgia to provide confidential responses on special education services.  Please reach out to your LEA or the Special Education Helpdesk (SPEDHelpdesk@doe.k12.ga.us)  if you have any …

Parent to Parent of Georgia’s Employment Opportunity – Applications being accepted February 7, 2025 through 4:00 pm only!

P2PGA is seeking to hire 2 part-time Regional Coordinators! Are you a parent or family member of a child with a disability or a professional interested in working with families? Are you looking for part-time work, a casual working environment, where you can help families access support and resources while expanding your own knowledge? If …

The GA Department of Public Health launches the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs assessment to gather feedback and recommendations from families across the state – we want to hear from you.

Your participation will help to identify What Matters Most to Georgia Families Caring for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs!  This is an opportunity for families to influence the priorities and focus of maternal and child health programs in the state, and is part of a comprehensive, statewide assessment the program conducts every five years …

“We Can’t Do It Alone”

We are proud to share that Jaleesa Holden, P2P Board Member, represented Georgia and Parent to Parent of Georgia on a Family Impact Panel at the 2024 OSEP Leadership & Project Directors Conference on August 7. 2024. The panel included family members of children, youth and young adults with disabilities as well as one young …

P2P mourns the loss of our great friend and disability advocate, Ganesh Nayak.

April 24, 1967 – July 24, 2024 Ganesh Shroff Nayak, “Ganchu”, “G”, passed away peacefully at his home on July 24, 2024. He was 57 years old. Born in Coimbatore, India, to Keshav and Nalini Nayak, Ganesh was the youngest of four brothers. The elder three – Ramesh, Dinesh, and Raju – were loud and …

The 2024 Georgia STABLE/Path2College Matching Scholarship Program

To further support Georgians with disabilities, the Office of the State Treasurer (OST) has launched the Georgia STABLE/Path2College (P2C) Matching Scholarship Program (Matching Scholarship) for Georgia STABLE account owners ages 18 and under. OST is partnering with Georgia’s Path2College 529 Savings Plan and the Georgia STABLE Program to offer this Matching Scholarship of up to …

Big changes may be coming to your Medicaid coverage.

Take action to stay in charge of your coverage! When the federal government ends the COVID-19 public health emergency,Georgia, and all other states, will be required to check who is still eligible to receiveMedicaid or PeachCare for Kids® coverage. This is called a “redeterminationprocess.” During this time, Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® members may beasked …

GA Transportation & Employment Needs Assessment

The Research and Evaluation Unit (REU) at the Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) at the University of Georgia (UGA) and Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) are seeking input from individuals with disabilities; their families and caregivers; and key informants about the services and support needs, and gaps in services in Georgia, related to two topics …

State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Share Your Voice! Stakeholder Feedback Sessions

The SPP/APR is a report submitted annually to the federal government to examine the progress and status of Georgia in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for students with disabilities.  The input of Georgia’s stakeholders in this process is critical! Families, educators, and students with disabilities are invited to register and participate in …

The Georgia Participant-Direction Group (GAPD) is currently seeking new members.

GAPD is a self-organized group of Participants/Representatives which has been recognized by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) as an advisory group. The mission of GAPD is to promote and support Participant Direction for individuals with developmental disabilities through advocacy, education, and training on waiver services, supports, and policy, so that they …