
Autism Awareness in Early Childhood

Speakers: Georgia LEND Program: Megan Walsh, Audrey Pearson, Morelia Torres, Lindsey Flax & Jackie McNair In this webinar you will learn about the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early program which is a way to monitor a child’s development. This information is not only helpful for parents, but for anyone who works on interacts with …

Understanding Social Security Benefits

(originally offered 6/30/22) Presenter: Anna Maki, Director of Benefits Navigation at Bobby Dodd Institute In this webinar you will learn how to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), how to maintain these benefits while working and how to balance benefits and health insurance. Running time: 60 minutes. (For project …

Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver Application Process – Updated in January 2022

(originally offered 1/25/2022) Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver Application Process This is Medicaid for children with disabilities under the age of 18 who do not qualify for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) because their family has income/assets above the financial eligibility limits for SSI Presenter: Debbie Dobbs, Education Consultant and Child Advocate In this presentation Debbie Dobbs …

Health Care Reform: Impact on Children with Special Healthcare Needs (Part 1 of 2)

(originally offered 10/19/2010). Presenter: Sitara Nayak, Family to Family Supervisor at Parent to Parent of Georgia This webinar provides a brief overview for parents, families, and professionals on the Health Care Reform Act passed on March 23, 2010. The presentation includes information on pre-existing conditions, lifetime and annual caps, Medicaid coverage and Home and Community-Based …

Appealing a Katie Beckett Denial

(originally offered 9/21/16) Presenter: DJ Jeyaram, Attorney Has your Katie Beckett Deeming Waiver application been denied? If so, please join us for a lunch & learn webinar as Attorney DJ Jeyaram takes you step by step through the appeals process, including how to write an effective appeal letter, what to expect at the hearing and …

What’s in a Name? Learn what Medicaid EPSDT Mandate Provides for your Child

(originally offered 1/04/12) Presenter: Pat Nobbie, Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities When you hear the term EPSDT, alphabet soup may come to your mind. However, this acronym stands fro Early, Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment, and represents important services that all families whose child are enrolled in Medicaid should know about!  Pat Nobbie of the …

HIPAA: Understanding the Information Blackout

(originally offered 03/28/12) Presenter: Naomi Williams, Family Support Coordinator, Georgia Health Sciences Cancer Center Did you know that once your child turns 18 their doctor is under no obligation to share information regarding your child’s health?  A doctor might even require that anyone 18 or older give consent for the parent to be present during …

Establishing a Medical Home

(originally offered 08-16-11) Presenter:  Michelle Esquivel, National Center for Medical Home Implementation Learn how to manage communications with and between the multiple doctors and/or therapists working with your child. Running Time: 45 minutes. (For project evaluation purposes, Parent to Parent of Georgia may email webinar viewers a brief follow-up survey in 3-6 months.)