Participant Direction - NOW/COMP Waiver
Participant Direction Budgeting 101 mini lesson walks you through creating an example of a yearly budget. It helps you understand how to gather information needed to create a budget and gives you pointers on how to set up a system to monitor your budget while staying within your budget. Presented by DBHDD in September 2023.
Participant Direction Resources (NOW/COMP Waiver) (Originally offered on August 25, 2022) Presenter: Sitara Nayak, Parent to Parent of Georgia This presentation is a compilation of resources for both those individuals who currently Participant Direct and those who are considering this model. Running Time: 27 minutes Handouts: Participant Direction Fact Sheet PD Resources Handout
FB Live Mini Trainings- Performance Evaluations (Originally aired on August 26, 2022) Presenter: Parent to Parent of Georgia Staff, Sitara Nayak. She is also a parent and has 10 years of experience Participant Directing This short presentation has tips on conducting an employee performance evaluation and includes samples such as a tracking form and a …
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Originally aired on 7/29/2022 Presenter: Parent to Parent of Georgia staff: Sitara Nayak, VP of Programs, she is also a parent and has 10 years of experience with Participant Direction. This mini series includes tips and best practices when screening job applicants. Running Time: 11 minutes No handouts
(Originally aired on July 22, 2022) Presenters: Parent to Parent of Georgia staff: Sitara Nayak, VP of Programs & Mitzi Proffitt, Director of Support Services. Both are parents and have been Participant Directing for over 8 years. In this presentation you will learn about the various steps involved in hiring new staff. The presenters also share some tips. …
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(Originally aired on June 24, 2022) Presenter: Jane Grillo, Participant Direction Parent with over 5 years of experience This presentation will cover the importance of creating a job description for your direct support staff and some tips on what to include in this description. Running time: 13 minutes Handouts: Sample Job Description
(Originally aired on June 17, 2022) This short presentation walks you step by step on how to figure out the rate per hour for your Direct Support Staff. Name of Presenters: Parent to Parent of Georgia staff: Sitara Nayak, VP of Programs & Mitzi Proffitt, Director of Support Services. Both are parents and have been Participant …
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(originally offered on August 11, 2022) In this presentation, you will hear from Nicki Cline, a representative from Acumen Fiscal Services. She will cover information on what is Participant Direction, how to get started and the role and responsibilities of the employer and fiscal agent. Presenter: Nicki Cline, Executive Director, Acumen Fiscal Services in Georgia Running Time: 37 minutes Handouts: …
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(Originally offered on August 10, 2022) Presenter: Monica Douglas, Representative, Continuum Fiscal Services In this presentation, you will hear from Monica Douglas, a representative from Continuum Fiscal Services. She will cover information on participant direction, the role of the fiscal agent, and the Continuum enrollment process. Running Time: 24 minutes Handouts: Employee Electronic Timesheet Continuum …
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