Self Determination


Self Determination

Self determination is managing your own future and destiny. A self-determined individual makes their own choices and takes control and responsibility for their life and experiences the consequences of making those choices.

What is Self Determination?

Promoting Independence at Home

Being involved in making large and small decisions can help parents and students prepare for independence.

Ten Steps to Independence: Promoting Self-Determination in the Home

Watch this video to find out what Self Advocates say Self-Determination means to them.

Encouraging Youth to Prepare for Transition

In order to control and direct their own lives based on informed decisions, youth with disabilities need to be included in all components of transition planning. The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) has developed six Youth Tip Sheets to help young people think about transition issues.

Becoming a Stronger Self-Advocate

Leading Your Transition Planning

Learning Disability History

Getting Involved in Volunteering

Serving on Decision-Making Boards

Participating in Internships and Work-Based Experiences