There are many opportunities to use your leadership skills. Take a look at the opportunities below and see how you might get involved!
Work on an Emergency Preparedness Plan for Individuals with Disabilities
Help build an Accessible Playground
Work with Faith Communities on Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities
Set up a Law Enforcement Training on Disability Awareness
Become a Georgia Parent Mentor
Get to know your School District
Meet with your legislators.
Attend legislative committee meetings and make testimony.
Take a group to Developmental Disability Day at the state capitol.
Become a Volunteer Supporting Parent
Association of Youth Leadership Forums (YLF) works to improve employment and independent living outcomes of youth with disabilities transitioning from high school.
Kids as Self Advocates (KASA) is a national project created by youth with disabilities for youth. KASA knows youth can make choices and advocate for themselves if they have the information and support they need.
National Consortium on Leadership and Disability (NCLD) – Youth Development and Leadership uses learning, connecting, thriving, working, and leading to guide our work. These five areas correspond with 7 of the 8 areas of emphasis listed in the Developmental Disabilities Act (employment, education, housing, recreation, health, childcare, quality assurance, and transportation.)
Empowering Leadershipis an introduction to campus activism for students with disabilities who want to organize on campus. It includes guides on navigating disability service programs, handling discrimination, networking, accommodations and more.
Join the Babies Can’t Wait State Interagency Coordinating Council
Sit on the Georgia Council for Developmental Disabilities
Volunteer at a Non-Profit that Supports People with Disabilities